Your opportunities at BludauPartners
The target of BludauPartners is to develop employees to maximum performance by amplifying the consultant's personality and professional competence.
As part of the B|P Academy, development programs take place, which can be integrated into various stages of careers and thus accelerate the employee's development and success.
Organised and conducted by BludauPartners
A comprehensive introduction training forms the basis for success at BludauPartners: the Management of BludauPartners teams up with the new colleagues to work out which goals are to be set in the short-, medium- and long-term based on their experience, strengths, and competencies. An individual training concept is then developed and drafted based on these factors.
BludauPartners provides you with an experienced mentor by your side who will accompany and support you from the first day onward and thus optimally supports your career. Through intensive professional and personal development mentoring, you can achieve your own career goals as quickly as possible.
The different tool training by BludauPartners gives an overview of the company-internal applications, the relevant approaches, and the optimization of business-internal processes and workflows.
The professional skills are promoted and developed in a targeted way through the introduction phase and business-internal further training by BludauPartners to prepare you for the challenges of the market. Moreover, through a structured approach, the application of suitable instruments, and maintaining the company's internal quality and process standards, the employees of BludauPartners are issued information and news about the industries and markets.
You will acquire numerous soft skills through your life experience or possess these through your personality and emotional intelligence. With the help of the Soft Skills Training by BludauPartners, you can train your soft skills together with experts and acquire missing ones by being prepared and supported in a targeted way.
Initiative and supported by BludauPartners
BludauPartners promotes your academic development so that you can contribute your extensive knowledge and skill to BludauPartners and your clients. Bachelor graduates can absolve a work-relevant Master's degree with the support of BludauPartners after being part of the company for a year and by fulfilling specific performance criteria.
Once specific performance criteria are met and you have been employed at BludauPartners for at least two years, it is possible to pursue a doctorate with the support of BludauPartners. In addition to financial support, BludauPartners also provides support in the shape of guidance through experienced mentors.
Attending industry-specific and practice-relevant conferences and events are desired and supported by BludauPartners.
Through participation in external, competency-based training, BludauPartners promotes the individual development of the employees in the context of practice-relevant focal points.